

Ruthless Recurve

mythic Supreme






Buffs & Debuffs




Atalanta Skills

Wild Sniper


3 Tiles

0 Energy

Atlanta selects a tile within 3 tiles and dashes there, shooting a powerful penetrative bolt in the target direction, dealing 280% damage to all enemies along a 1-tile wide path and stunning them for 2 sec.

  • Level 2: Damage is increased to 300% of Atalanta.
  • Level 3: Atalanta recovers 10% of Max Health for herself whenever an enemy is directly hit by this skill.
  • Level 3: Damage is increased to 320% of Atalanta.
  • Level 4: Damage is increased to 340% of Atalanta.

Sweet Encounter


4 Tiles

Atalanta swings her whip at an enemy, dealing 130% damage, knocking them back 2 tiles, and Paralyzing them for 3s.
If there is another enemy within certain range behind the target, Atalanta will instead knock the target towards the nearest enemy within range, dealing damage and Paralyzing both the target and this enemy.

  • Level 2: If Atalanta knocks the target into another enemy, the two enemies take damage from each other. The damage received is equal to 150% of the other party’s Attack, up to 300% of Atalanta’s Attack.
  • Level 3: Damage is increased to 140% of Seth.
  • Level 4: Damage is increased to 150% of Seth.

Scorching Gift


4 Tiles

Atalanta shoots an explosive bolt that explodes upon hitting an enemy, dealing 190% damage to the target and adjacent enemies.

  • Level 2: Damage is increased to 200%.
  • Level 3: The explosion range is increased to 2 tiles. However, enemies in the outermost circle of the explosion only take 60% of the original explosion damage.
  • Level 4: Damage is increased to 210%.

Chain Reaction

4 Tiles

When Atalanta’s Ultimate hits an enemy, it triggers the explosion effect of Scorching Gift at the target’s location, dealing 70% of this skill’s damage. Scorching Gift can only deal damage 3 times to each enemy in this way each time she casts Ultimate.

Level 2: When Atalanta’s Ultimate hits an enemy, it triggers the explosion effect of Scorching Gift at the target’s location, dealing 72.5% of this skill’s damage. Scorching Gift can only deal damage 3 times to each enemy in this way each time she casts Ultimate.

Level 2: When Atalanta’s Ultimate hits an enemy, it triggers the explosion effect of Scorching Gift at the target’s location, dealing 75% of this skill’s damagae. Scorching Gift can only deal damage 3 times to each enemy in this way each time she casts Ultimate.

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