Mad Dagger
Buffs & Debuffs
Igor Skills
Funereal Ring
10 Tiles
0 Energy
Igor summons a tombstone where he stands when the battle starts.
For every 40% Health an enemy hero loses in total, Igor summons a tombstone on an empty tile closest to this enemy, which will disappear after taking 3 normal attacks.
Igor will always stand on the tombstone in a steadfast state that grants immunity to knock up, knockback, and effects causing involuntary movement.
When unleashing his ultimate skill, Igor deals 150% damage to all targets on the field.
- Level 2: Damage is increased to 180%.
- Level 3: Damage is increased to 210%
- Level 4: Damage is increased to 240%
- Level 3: Damage is increased to 270%

Ghastly Explosion
10 tiles
All tombstones are activated every 8 sec or when the ultimate skill is cast.
Igor jumps onto an activated tombstone, deals 140% damage to enemies within 1 tile and deactivates the tombstone.
He gains Damage Immunity and can’t be targeted while using the skill.
When the tombstone Igor jumps onto is activated by his ultimate skill, this attack deals 50% more damage.
- Level 2: Damage is increased to 150%.
- Level 3: Damage is increased to 165%.
- Level 4: Damage is increased to 170%.

Soul Siphon
2 tiles
Igor uses the tombstone he’s on to block the lethal blow damage and jumps onto another tombstone when existing multiple tombstones.
Igor heals for 2% of his Max Health when using Ghastly Explosion or Soul Siphon.
- Level 2: Heals for 2.5% of Max Health.
- Level 3: Heals for 3% of Max Health.
- Level 4: Heals for 3.5% of Max Health.

Horror Strike
10 tiles
Igor extends the range of Ghastly Explosion by 1 tile and decreases the targets’ Received Healing by 50% for 4s when his Health is above 70%.
Exclusive Weapon Level 2: Igor extends the range of Ghastly Explosion by 1 tile and decreases the targets’ Received Healing by 50% for 5s when his Health is above 70%.
Exclusive Weapon Level 3: Igor extends the range of Ghastly Explosion by 1 tile and decreases the targets’ Received Healing by 50% for 6s when his Health is above 70%.