Granny Dahnie

Granny Dahnie

Forest Guardian

mythic Supreme






Buffs & Debuffs


Control Immunity


Decrease Haste, Immobile, Reduce Energy, Taunt

Granny Dahnie Skills

Threshold of Jade


2 tiles

0 Energy

Granny Dahnie summons Parasitic Grass within 2 tiles for 3s, absorbing 75% Health and immobilizing the enemies within range.
The targets lose Energy by 50 every second.
Granny Dahnie also gains Control Immunity while Parasitic Grass exists.

  • Level 2: The Health absorbed every second is increased to 80%.
  • Level 3: The amount of Energy enemies lose every second is increased to 70.
  • Level 4: The Health absorbed every second is increased to 85%.
  • Level 5: The Health absorbed every second is increased to 90%.

Seed Cannon



When an enemy deals total damage equal to 15% of Granny Dahnie’s Max Health to her, Granny Dahnie shoots Parasitic Seeds at this enemy, dealing 120% damage and reducing their Haste by 40 for 6s.

  • Level 2: The amount of reduced Haste increased to 50.
  • Level 3: Instantly recovers 120% Health when shooting the seeds.
  • Level 4: The amount of reduced Haste increased to 60.

Angry Taunt


1 tile

Granny Dahnie Taunts an enemy for 3s and instantly recovers 140% Health.
This skill prioritizes the enemy who targets the weakest ally.

  • Level 2: The amount of HP Recovery is increased to 150%.aa
  • Level 3: The amount of HP Recovery is increased to 160%.
  • Level 4: The amount of HP Recovery is increased to ‘170%.

Glimmerbloom Blessings

1 tile

When Granny Dahnie’s Health is lower than 50%, the Glimmerbloom Shield becomes bigger, increasing her Armor by 25% and Magic Resist by 50% and recovering 100% Health every second. The skill lasts 12s and can be cast once every battle.

Level 2: When Granny Dahnie’s Health is lower than 50%, the Glimmerbloom Shield becomes bigger, increasing her Armor by 25% and Magic Resist by 50% and recovering 105% Health every second. The skill lasts 12s and can be cast once every battle.

Level 3: When Granny Dahnie’s Health is lower than 50%, the Glimmerbloom Shield becomes bigger, increasing her Armor by 25% and Magic Resist by 50% and recovering 110% Health every second. The skill lasts 12s and can be cast once every battle.

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Nice tank i love she 😍 she stun and recover HP

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